administration advertising affordances AI algorithms antitrust artificial intelligence attention economy automation Bayesianism benefit cost analysis better thinking big tech big tech antitrust broadband broadband economics Burkean futurism cancel culture capitalism captology climate change cognition communication theory community competition content moderation cost of regulation data privacy data property rights defense democracy digital dividend discounting econometrics economics economics of advertising economics of data economics of information economics of space education embodied cognition energy entrepreneurialism environmentalism exploring privacy Facebook fairness FCC filter bubble Foucault free speech free will futurism GDPR getting better Google government governmentality history of technology industrial policy information theory innovation institutions interoperability kill zone knowledge knowledge is local law links lit review local knowledge local voice manufacturing McLuhan memory modeling music naming capitalism neoliberalism net neutrality network economics network industries network theory news and journalism notes and quotes nuclear nudges online communities online migration optimism perception philosophy philosophy of technology platform competition platform economics platform political economy policing politics postmodernism pricing privacy privacy paradox progress progress studies property public policy public sphere R&D reading-list regulation regulation studies regulatory permitting researc research research gap rhetoric rhetoric and economics risk robots rural rural broadband scial media short termism social media social media research sociology space space capitalism spirit of contradiction supply chains surveillance capitalism tacit knowledge taxes tech adoption tech philosohpy tech philosophy tech sequence technoanimism technological atonement technological determinism technology technopanic technopanics telecom tesla the kids are going to be alright the noosphere thought crimes time transhumanism urban economics value of data vetocracy wealth